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Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica Academia Sinica được xếp hạng 144 trong Chỉ số Nature Publishing Group năm 2014 nhóm "Global Top 200" , và thứ 22 trong xếp hạng Các viện nghiên cứu sáng tạo nhất thế giới của Reuters. Academia Sinica hiện có trụ sở tại quận Nam Cảng, Đài Bắc. Academia Sinica (拉丁語) 中華民國政府機構: 基本資訊; 所屬部門: 總統府: 員額: 5,800人: 年度預算額: 新臺幣125.46億元(109年度) 授權法源: 中華民國總統府組織法 中央研究院組織法: 主要官員; 院長: 廖俊智: 副院長: 周美吟 、 劉扶東 、 黃進興: 秘書長: 彭信坤 Agency (name): Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (hereafter “IPMB”) Purpose of collection: For evaluating the qualification of the applicant and for contacting him/her for the interview arrangement later on CompAS is a joint research project of ASIAA, the Institute of Mathematics (ASIM) of the Academia Sinica, and the Department of Mathematics of the National Taiwan University. Its main goal is to develop high-performance codes of computational fluid dynamics and magnetohydrodynamics (CFD-MHD) for astrophysical problems. > Learn more 歡迎來到中央研究院影音頻道! 為使學術研究發揮社會教育功能,激發年輕學子與社會大眾的求知熱情,本頻道主要提供各類科普知識影片,例如本 De senaste tweetarna från @IPMBSinica To keep up with the rapid developments in science and technology, and to promote the internationalization of higher education in Taiwan Academia Sinica  Academia Sinica - Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica (IBMS) Address, No. 128 Academia Rd., Section2, NanKang, 11529 Taipei City, Taiwan.

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0000 0004 0633 743X. moderorganisation. Academia Sinica. inom administrativt område. Taipei. ROR-identifierare.

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Yi-Hsuan YangResearch Center for IT Innovation, Academia SinicaVerifierad e-postadress på Homer ChenNational Taiwan​  41, Shao, Kwang-Tsao, Taiwan, Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica 1560, Yue, Hao, China, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Information  A Taiwan-United States Comparison. Framsida. James K. Hammitt, Jin-tan Liu, Wen-chʻing Lin. Insttute of Economics, Academia Sinica, 1999 - 19 sidor.

77 likes. Welcome to the Computational Nanomaterials & Nanomechanics Lab. (CNNL) at Academia Sinica. 空氣盒子:微型空氣品質感測系統 「空氣盒子」是一個微型空氣品質感測的群眾感測計畫,透過開源的軟硬體整合,結合大數據與人工智慧,提供開放資料與各項資訊服務,已成功串連產官學研與民間社群,建構出全球最大的微型 pm2.5 感測平台,並且提供即時異常偵測、短期空品預報,以及最佳空 2018-NOW Associate Research Fellow, IPMB, Academia Sinica 2012-2018 Assistant Research Fellow, IPMB, Academia Sinica 2009-2012 Postdoc and Assistant Researcher, Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology, UCLA 2008 Postdoc, Oxford Centre for Integrative Systems Biology, Oxford University 2008 D.Phil, Statistics (Computational Biology), Oxford Biosafety - Academia Sinica The Academia Sinica and its national research institutes (Academia Sinica, Nanking, 1930).
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“Reflections on COVID-19” English Website Launch · Election of Research Fellow Representatives to Academia Sinica's 10th General Assembly. Initiated by the Academia Sinica, Taiwan's foremost research centre, this interdisciplinary monograph series publishes original humanities and social sciences  The total sum for the DBLP publications for leading scientists in Academia Sinica is 463 with a mean value for DBLP publications is 231.50. Please keep in mind  中央研究院 Academia Sinica, 타이베이 시. 좋아하는 사람 146077명 · 이야기하고 있는 사람들 585명 · 36686명이 방문했습니다.